Check out the highlights from SLAS EU - Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening from last year. has fascinating interviews with key opinion leaders from the industry, including:
- Maciej Grajewski, the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at SG Papertronics, talking about all things bio-entrepreneurship.
- Miguel Alcalde, a Research Professor at the CSIC, speaking about directed evolution in enzymology and the wider biotechnology sector.
- Silvio Di Castro, Senior Technology Scientist at AstraZeneca, discussing his research, as well as the role of compound management in pharmaceutical research.
- Mark Abbott, the Managing Director of Peak Proteins, talking about protein science and its significance in drug discovery.
- Garry Pairaudeau, former Chief Technology Officer at Exscientia, discussing all things pharmatech, AI, and more.
- Richard Hammond, Chief Technical Officer at Sphere Fluidics, speaking about Sphere Fluidics' microfluidic picodroplet technology and more.

SLAS Overview - v01
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