Beta Bugs at The British Pig & Poultry Fair

Beta Bugs on the Road

Beta Bugs at The British Pig & Poultry Fair. Image Credit: Beta Bugs Ltd

The Beta Bugs team had a fantastic couple of days in Birmingham at the British Pig & Poultry Fair, educating attendees about the many benefits of insect farming.

The team were delighted to meet so many people interested in our fantastic industry and were overwhelmed by the response and enthusiasm of attendees at this year’s British Pig & Poultry Fair!

We were busy delivering information across the two days about the insect farming industry as a whole and why you should diversify into this sustainably driven industry, which made for some very interesting conversations and connections.

Presentation – ‘Insects Unleashed : Turn an Old Shed into a Protein Factory’

Our CEO, Thomas, took to the stage at the Innovation Theatre with Larry, CEO Flybox® to unveil our groundbreaking and accessible approach to insect farming; combining plug and play modular technology with our reliable supply of genetically improved juvenile larvae. 

You can watch the full presentation below;

Insects Unleashed Turn an Old Shed into a Protein Factory BPPF 2024

Video Credit: Beta Bugs Ltd


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    Beta Bugs Ltd.. (2024, August 30). Beta Bugs at The British Pig & Poultry Fair. AZoLifeSciences. Retrieved on September 18, 2024 from

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    Beta Bugs Ltd.. 2024. Beta Bugs at The British Pig & Poultry Fair. AZoLifeSciences, viewed 18 September 2024,


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