Produced in Partnership with OpentronsReviewed by Louis CastelApr 17 2024
Valuable Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data depends on quality library preparation; insightful sequencing relies on unbiased library coverage with good yields.
Library preparation is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and prone to errors. A quality library takes a great deal of time and money to prepare. This is a challenge to scientists who rarely have enough of either.
As a result, the goals and ambitions are restricted by the lack of proper library preparations. The optimizations and refinements in laboratory automation over the last decade can remove this barrier.
Automation has numerous benefits when it comes to the preparation of an NGS library. The three main benefits are improved data quality, reduced costs, and higher throughput.
Is Automation Worth it for Your Lab?
Automation improves library quality, increases throughput, and reduces costs. Robotic systems can be built into the library preparation workflow as required for a laboratory’s specific needs. The second option is to automate the complete end-to-end process with a comprehensive workstation.
Performance at each step depends on how well the selected system aligns with a lab’s specific needs and pressure points. It is crucial to consider these aspects alongside the comprehensive costs of the automated systems available on the market. While some costs may be less obvious and frequently overlooked, their significance has increasingly been recognized as the industry continues to evolve in serving laboratories.

Image Credit: Opentrons
About Opentrons
Today, biologists spend too much time pipetting by hand. We think biologists should have robots to do pipetting for them. People doing science should be free of tedious benchwork and repetitive stress injuries. They should be able to spend their time designing experiments and analyzing data. That's why we started Opentrons.
We make robots for biologists. Our mission is to provide the scientific community with a common platform to easily share protocols and reproduce each other's results. Our robots automate experiments that would otherwise be done by hand, allowing our community to spend more time pursuing answers to some of the 21st century’s most important questions.
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