Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) will launch a new international Master's degree program in Evolutionary Biology, starting in the 2024/2025 winter semester. The English-language program offers students the opportunity to study the evolution of animals and plants for four semesters, with a focus on areas such as evolutionary ecology or population biology. Starting in the second semester, students specialize in their preferred area of study, such as anthropology, molecular biotic interactions, theoretical biology, genomics, or computational biosciences.
A moth pollinating a Trifolium plant. Image Credit: Shuqing Xu
The Master's degree program is open for students holding a Bachelor's degree in Biology, Molecular Biology, Mathematics, Forensic Sciences, or Bioinformatics. German Abitur or English at level B2 is required. Knowledge of German is not mandatory.
Linking Theoretical and Laboratory Work With Cutting-Edge Computational Techniques
The international Master's degree program "Evolutionary Biology" is designed to blend hands-on laboratory experience with theoretical exploration and advanced computer applications. This will open doors to thriving careers in industries, conservation, government, forensics, or international academia.
Subject to the final approval of the JGU Senate, the new Master's degree program "Evolutionary Biology" will start in the 2024/2025 winter semester. The application period runs from April 2nd to May 15th, 2024.